Robert & Linda Malseed
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Garrett's Letters
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These are letters written by or about Garrett.

Letters of [2 Jun 1861]  [9 Sep 1864]  [9 Apr 1865]  [15 Oct 1865]  [6 Jan 1892]
[Fulbright letter 26 Mar 1862]

Garrett Shubert letter to his sister Eliza Malseed 2 Jun 1861

Linn Creek June 2

My dear Sister

I received your letter of the th ult. also one from Mother at the same time,   we are all well at present.    we have had plenty of rain this year,   the river has been over its banks and done a great deal of damage to the farmers along the river takeing away their fences washing out their crops.   I was down the river at the time and Bridget had to move out    She lost her garden.  Buisness is at a dead lock here   there is nothing doing here at all,   war is all the talk,   we are pretty evenly divided between the Union men and secessionists,   the slave owners and men of property are mostly Union men   the secessionists are principally political demegouges and ignorant poor country folks that never see a paper and are easily talked over    I suppose you saw in the paper about Captain Lyon breaking up the secession nest at Camp Jackson in Saint Louis.    immediately on receipt of the news at Jefferson City Claib Jackson our traitor Govenor sent a detatchment of pirates down to the mouth of Osage and burnt one span of the P.R.R. bridge and then (the legislature being in session) passed the most tyranical milatary bill that was ever heard of    it gives him more power than any despot in Asia, but the people in the state will not submit to it, not even the sesionists will uphold it    they even say it goes a little too far,   there is now about 10000 United States troops in Missouri so if the good sence of the people does not keep the state in the Union unke Sam will keep it in himself,    so Andy has gone soldiering.   I hope he will make plenty of glory and bring all of the states back except South Carolina, and then go to work and whip the New England states off so that we may never here any more of the pilgrim fathers who were drove out of England for their fanatic bigotry and intolerance, and their sons have lost none of their venom for any thing not in accordance with their own pecular veius and ideas of which they have but one hatred to the South    Bridget sends her love along with mine to Mother George and Andy besides a great deal for your self from your affectionate Brother
G B Shubert

write soon ) Henry has come back he looks very well

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Garrett Shubert letter to his sister Eliza Malseed 9 Sep 1864

Springfield Mo.
9th of Sept. 1864

My dear Sister

Your kind letter of the 1st and 29` ult. came to hand last Sunday    I was very glad to hear from you and am very much obliged to you for that picture and thank you for the praises bestowed on my children,   I see by your picture that you dear sister as well as myself are growing old,   but that being the case with all humanity we must try and grow old gracefully, and though our bodies may show the marks of age keep our hearts young    they at least, though the body may shrink and wrinkle, can allways be fresh and youthfull,   to look at your picture and that of Mother and myself I can hardly realise that we are the same, or you rather and mother rather that I last saw eleven years ago,    the thought often arises in my mind, shall we ever all meet together this side of eternity,   alas I am afraid not unless I do better than I have been doing for since I have had a family it has been a continuel strain for me to provide for them and though I have allways kept them well I have never been able to get far enough ahead to take any time to myself:    but though we may not meet again on this beautifull earth I hope we may meet where there will be no more partings
The last letter I have had from Henry was from Rossville Ga. dated 19` of July,    I have written to him once since then, and if I dont soon get a letter from him I will write again,   You ask if I think a letter would reach him from you,   I think it would if addressed properly   I enclose the directions I think will find him,   the army he is with is doing nobly   I feel jealous of him at times,   for though our troops have as arduous duties to preform they do not reap any honor from it except a local reputation,   the officers of our Regt. have just had a meeting of respect for a Lieutenant of one of our companies who was killed by Brushwhackers in Benton Co. Ark.   This is the second officer we have lost this summer,   the companies are kept pretty busy scouting    they go as far south as the Arkansas river and north to the Osage.  Gurrrellas ar plenty and no quarters are either given or asked with them.    I have not been on a scout for since last October as my duties keep me at the headquarters of the Regiment and unless the whole command goes out I have to remain in camp but I am kept very busily employed furnishing supplies    I have been hauling my grain from Rolla a distance of one hundred & twenty miles, and I use from 150 to 200 thousand pounds per month   so you may know it keeps me kicking to keep up a supply.
I am sorry that George is no heartier than you say,   I wish this country was quiet so you could let him come out here and live a summer,   it would do him good.    I sometimes think what my bears of boys, and my girl for that matter is not much behind them, would do or how they would act if I was to take them to a city,    Mother asked me in her letter if Lib. is at Linn Creek,    I neglected to tell her that she is though Bridget has written for her to come up to Lebanon,    I had a letter from Bridget a few days ago,    her fingers were getting well slowly,    she says in it that as soon as they are strong enough to write she will write to Mother and Georgie,    well I must bring this uninteresting letter to a close,    remember me to all enquireing friends,   Give my love to my Mother, to Andy, & George and a great deal for yourself from your loveing and affectionate brother
G B Shubert

Four years ago I was dead opposed to Mr. Lincoln, I have been educated since,   in November if I had a hundred votes he should have them all.

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Garrett Shubert letter to his sister Eliza Malseed 9 Apr 1865

Springfield Mo.
9` of April 1865

My Dear Sister

I have been expecting a letter from you for some time,   as I think it is either four or five weeks since I last wrote to you, I just thought I would write you a few lines tonight to freshen your memory; and to pass away the time, untill I get sleepy,    it would feel like my breaking an established custom if I did not write to some one on Sunday night   and as I leave here for Saint Louis to-morrow, I will see Bridget before, or as soon as a letter could reach her,   and as I wrote to Mother last Sunday night week it is your turn now to be bored with one of my entertaining epistles    Well my connexion with the old 8th ceases tomorrow morning, or at least so far as doing any business for it is concerned,   for I have transferred all of my property to another officer and have my sheep skin for the 14`, and orders to go to Saint Louis to be mustered out of one into the other and report to the 14` for duty,-   it seems like leaving home to leave my old Regiment with which I have been connected for the past three years, as it only lacks a few days of being three years since I first entered it; and only three months of my having been 4 years in the service,    I think by the time I serve three years out in the 14th I will have had enough of soldiering -    well it seems I was born to be a rover having passed my boyhood on the sea, my early manhood on the river, and now that I am getting old, with a family growing up, I go off and spend seven years in the army,    well so be it,   it can't be helped, but I would like to see any thing that will keep me away from my wife and children after this next three years are served out -
I have not heard from Bridget lately as I wrote her word I would see her in the middle of last week,  but I was and consequently she did not write, but I was disapointed in being releived    but if I am spared and make the trip in safety I will see her the day after to-morrow,    I would write more but I have put my own pen away, and I have blacksmiths in my employ who I know can make a better pen than the one I am writing with -   give my regards to all enquiring friends if I have any,    My love to Mother, Andy and George, as well as yourself from
Your affectionate brother
G B Shubert

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Garrett Shubert letter to his sister Eliza Malseed 15 Oct 1865

Fort Leavenworth
15` of October 1865

My Dear Sister

It has been a long while since I have written to, or received a letter from, you, so as I have got to writing to night I will keep on and write a few lines to you,    I received a letter from Mother the night before last, but as I wrote to her from Fort Riley about the 5` of 6` I will answer it to you,    I am well    my trip out on the plains has made me as brown and rugged as when I was a young Sea-dog,    I am here now for the purpose of being mustered out of Uncle Samuel's Service after having served him four years and five months, except the three months I served old Jeff as a prisoner,    I expect to drop the Lieut. when signing my name in about ten or fifteen days from now,    so when next you write you may address Mr.---------- Lebanon    I dont suppose it will be even worth while to add John Citizen, to my name,    I know I will feel queer in long shore toggery,    I am rejoiced to be able to go to my home once more and enjoy the society of my wife and children, but I have formed some freindships and attachments since I have been in the Army, that I will part with with regret,    even the life of a soldier has its charms and my early life had pecularry fitted me for it,    I never enjoied better health than I have since being a soldier and I am to old and my character to strongly set for the vices and temptation of a camp life to have any effect on me    If it was not for glorifying myself, I would say I am going out a better man than when I went in,
I am truely sorry dear sister that you enjoy no better health than you do,    in Mother's letter she tells me that you have had the fever & ague for four years,    now why did you not tell me before that was all that was the matter with you?    Though that is most enough, I'll tell you about myself;    I had them all the summer and fall of '60 and took something less than a nail keg full of Quineine,    after getting the falls of Niagira Niagria in my head and becoming nearly crazy through useing it I purchased a bottle of Dr Ayer's Ague Cure,    I took about three quarters of what was in the bottle when I was perfectly cured    the fall of '61 brought on a slight attac and I took three or four doses and have never had a chill since -    "moral." you so do likewise
I had a letter from Bridget last night    herself and our children were in their usual health, which is the children well, herself poorly,    poor dear she has been worked down the last four years, but I will soon be able to take a great part of the labor off from her hands,    sometimes she has even had to chop her own wood in the winter as it was impossible to get any one to do it,    Well I suppose you have had enough from me for this time and as I have allready written to Bridget to night Henry is next on my list of correspondents -    and I want to make a cleaning up of letters for I will have no time to myself untill next Sunday night -   so good bye for the present    remember me to all friends give my love to Andy, George & Mother,

I am as ever your loving
G B Shubert

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Garrett Shubert letter to his sister Georgianna Gillitt 6 Jan 1892

Richland Mo
Jan. 6th 1892

My Dear Sister

Did you ever have a brother named Garrett Beckhorn Shubert?   And have you heard from him lately?   Well I can tell you something about him,   he, together with his wife, whom you possably may remember was at your place last Summer a year ago, and youngest son George are now living at Richland, having at last gotten up energy enough to get out of Linn Creek hollow where they had passed the best thirty three years of their life,   he is well but just as lazy and trifelling about writing as ever,   I don’t know whit kind of a fellow he is anyhow.
    I know Sister, that I ought to be ashamed of myself for not writing to you more than I do as there is only three of us left, and we have not much longer to promise ourselves here,   I have been promiseing myself to write to you every day for a month past, but never got at,   I am a very promising man, but every one knows that if I promise any thing I am sure to fulfill it, if it takes seven years.
    Bridget, George and myself went down to Linn Creek to spend Christmass with the girls, but Lidie did not get there (she lives 7 or 8 miles from there) on account of two of the children being sick,   Fanny came back with us and staid until yesterday,   her baby is the prettiest and best young one you ever saw, excepting Lidie’s which is just as pretty and good,   we like living at Richland very well though we remember with love the mountains and streams of Linn Creek,   we live on the outside of the Town away from the business part it is very quiet just like living in the country so Bridget is sometimes very lonely when George is at school, and I am at the office, and last night it was very dull to all of us, on account of Fanny and the baby being gone.
    We have had a very pleasant winter this far though to-day it is cold enough for Minnesota   we have had all kinds of weather this year   on New Years Eve after supper it was so warm that after supper I sat on the porch to take my smoke,   about 9 O’clock it began to blow and rain,   New Years day it rained in the morning, snowed at ten O’clock and by night compared favorably with Manitoba   Since then we have had it hot and cold, wet and dry,   yesterday was a very pleasant day for Fanny to go home.   I cant see what people want to travel about the country for to get change of air for, when you can get it all here without moving out of your tracks
    Bridget told me when she come home from Hastings that you and Harvey said that when we got to the Railroad to live you would come and visit us,   we are here now on a great long Rail Road and will expect you.
    I wrote to Henry last fall soon after we moved up here,   I suppose he got the letter and like myself writes when he gets down to it,   I have no reason, in view of dilatoriness to complain,   he will write when he gets ready,   Bridget will write to Ella in a short time,   she got a letter from her a little while ago,   she can beat me writing letters all to pieces,   I have got into the habit of saying the most I can in the fewest words, while a good letter writer will full fill a sheet.
    All our family, including sons and sons in law, daughters and daughters in law, grand sons and grand daughters are well, and with much love wish to be remembered to Harvy and the boys and girls also to Henry & Lib and their children along with
                                            Your loving brother
                                            G. B. Shubert

I wrote this letter sitting within 2 feet of the stove, and my overcoat on, and still am cold,  what must it be where you live, how can any one short of a “bloated capitalist” afford to buy wood or coal to keep from freezing.

Note - Bridget died soon after this letter was written.

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James H. Fulbright (Confederate Army) letter to his family mentioning Garrett Shubert when Garrett was paroled as POW 26 Mar 1862

Camped two & half miles from Vanburen, Ark., March 26th, 1862.

My Dearest Wife, Pa, Ma, and children.

I now have an oportunity to drop you a line by Mr. Shubert who is going to start for Linn Creek, Mo. in the morning.  He was taken prisoner at Linn & now released for parole.  I learned since I stoped at this place that you had not heard of me since I left home the 29th of Dec.  I saw John Lo he has gone home & will probably see you ere this comes to hand.  I started from your Fathers to Texas the 6th day of January, went there in sixteen days had fine luck and good weather.  I sold $140 worth pork in Lawrence.  This gave me plenty of money to move on.  I found all the friend in Tx well and they treated me very Kindly.  Old Uncle Dave took all hands of us in, fed Negroes, Horses and all, three week.  When I had my houses on our land completed and mooved the Negroes home.  Uncle Trim & Jimmy his youngest died some 2 weeks after we landed.  I buried them both decently in One Grave "There I parted with a faithful friend" (Tim) I bought 200 bush corn at 40cts. built a crib & cribed it at home.  I left them 1500 lbs pork or bacon, of which I bought 500 lbs.  I sold 5 mules & the wagon Pa bought to Henry Khim (?) for $600.  I then rented 50 acres of land & left 5 horses & a wagon & the boys to tend the rented Land, & Improve the place.  I left the business in Alfred Neelys hands.  I left Marth & her youngest at Dr. Jacks, she had a fine daughter & done well.  I come to this place, Lande here the 9th in company with Haustin Hooker.  We both had a two hors wagon each.  We intended going home but found Gen. Price ret. from the fight at Elkhorn Tavern & ret. from the top Bostin Mountain with him.  I had Peter with me.  I got Haustin to take my wagon and team and Peter back to Tx. with him as he was going with John Hookers Negroes.
I met Uncle Dick Wilks on my ret. going to Tex  I employed him to take charge of the Negroes etc for five years.  I made arangments for lumber etc, to build an Ell of a house which I expected Some day to build on our Land in Tex   He is to have this built and he & Aunt Nancy ocupy it until you or I may otherwise direct.  There is no doubt about the title of the Tex. Land   the Pattent is isued to the heirs of E. Swink.  I am to furnish Uncle Dick every thing & pay him whatever is right.  I left $100 in the hands of W. Rhine to be taken up in the store $40 cash with A. N. Fulbright & sent back to him and Uncle Dick by Haustin Hooker and Jas. Titterington $450.  I have with me $100 now & paid Uncle Dick Poppelwell today $20 in gold.  I owe nothing except what I owe in Mo. & at home except $40 of money borrowed in Lawrence & $100 to one of Frank Wilkses sons for the wagon I sent back to Tex I left $300 in scrip with your Father.  I met with Dr. John Titterington here.  Betty is at home & our arrangements left with her.  Mr. Wilks left home for Ark. or Tex  the family with him he brought off all his stock we can't hear of him since he crossed the Ark. river he has gone I supose to Tex.   Dock left me, I mean Dr. Jack, for Mo. better than a week since.  I have now given you a short sketch of my trip to Tex and how my business in Tex stands, etc I do this not knowing when if ever, I will see you I however trust in god I will see you soon.  My health has been and is yet good I supose I will today weigh 160 lbs.  I had a wagon to run over my foot the other day, though it is now well.  Robt. Andrew & John Turner are here with me,  we mess together we belong to Parsons Division Capt. Leroy Roberts Company   we are doing well and have plenty of Everything to Eat.  Plenty of Clothing a good tent a good Company.  I will mention a few of the company you know Peter & Bennet Ivy, Corley John Givens, Jesse McCalys, James & T. Cumins & Macy Athens, Leutenant Col. Parmley is here and & my friend.  John Lo tolde me you was in fine spirits.  This my dear did me good I think you a Sensible Woman I want you to keep in good spirits.  The God of Heaven will reunite us, if it be his will for us to be again reunited.  My friends in Tex if I never see you again will provid for you Pa & Ma & the Educating of my Children.  We went in as recruits to the Company Our time will be out the 22nd of June.  My Opinion is we will all be thru before that time.  If not I will come thru if life last and I can get thru.  I expect to come home to remain there unmolested or Remain with the boys.  If I live I will be of no benefit to you at home laying in the brush.  I am perfectly well satisfied here, I was driven hear by professed friends & here I will remain until my home and self are free, or this war or myself may be no more.  Do the best you can tell Pa I was proud to hear his health was better   may god bless him & prolong his days on earth.  Ma has my prayer for the same   I pray for you, my Children Pa Ma & Myself every day & night.  I ask the prayers of you and all my brethren & friends.  The god of Heaven is a just god, in him is my trust.  I will write every oportunity as to the fight.   I feel confident from the best I can hear we killed moor of them & wounded & taken moor prisoners.  We gained 3 pieces of Canon.  The loss of the Southern men was 180 men killed 500 wounded.   Gen. McCuloch & MacKintush also Gen. Slock are killed.  The Southern Men will be almost innumorable up and down the Ark. river in One week from today.  Say to Mrs Payton that Andrews wife has a fine Son.  She & the Children are well & well satisfied.  I will Sure say Texas is a fine state & I could make my home there in time of piece and be satisfied yet I prefer Mo.  If we could but be Once more free & I feel sure that it will be I am not jesting.  Kiss all the children for me   I only think of you & them when my eyes are open & dream of you when a sleep.

 I am your Husband as ever.
Jas. H. Fulbright

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