Albuquerque Section

The Form below is our Ballot for the FY 2010-2011 Officer Election.  When you click the submit button your ballot is e-mailed to the section secretary where it will be validated and counted.  The Secretary has a list of all of our section's membership numbers, but no names.  That is why it is important to enter your AIAA membership number.  Officer biographies are displayed below the ballot.  At the bottom of this page is a description of the offices from our section By-Laws.

Official Ballot - AIAA Albuquerque Section

Your AIAA membership number:       (6 characters required.  Pad with leading zeros if needed.)







Ed Caicedo

Sandia Labs



Michael Ross

Sandia Labs   Org. 1523



Robert Malseed

RAM Computer Consulting



Terry Caipen

Applied Research Associates

Newsletter Editor


Michael Ross

 Sandia Labs   Org. 1523



Wayne White

SpaceBooster LLC



Michael V. Nayak

USAF Space Dev & Test Directorate

Public Policy


Mark Fraser


Young Professionals


Lori Hengeveld

Sandia Labs

Honors & Awards


Stephen Seiffert


PreCollege Outreach


Elfego Pinon III

Emergent Space Technologies Inc.

Career Enhancement






Svetlana Poroseva

University of New Mexico

Corporate Liaison


Don Nash

Nash Ventures, LLC

Student Branch Advisor


Randy Truman

University of New Mexico

Bylaws Change



I approve the Bylaws change.

Change officer position title from
 "PreCollege" to"STEM K-12"

If you provide a write-in name for an office where another candidate is already listed,
be sure to select the radio button by the write-in name, otherwise that name will not be accepted.

To vote "no" select 'Write-in' and leave the 'Write-in' box blank.

Click the "Submit" button to enter your vote.


 Officer Biographies:

Edward Caicedo is currently an AIAA Senior Member, Membership officer for the Albuquerque section, and Guidance Navigation and Control Technical Committee member. He has been a member of AIAA since 1996 and a member of the Albuquerque section since 2004. He holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Aerospace Engineering from Texas A&M University. Edward is currently a member of the technical staff at Sandia National Laboratories. His technical interests are in the areas of flight dynamics and controls. He has previously been the Young Professionals officer for the Albuquerque section.

Terry Caipen is a Senior Member of AIAA and has been an AIAA member since Oct 1978. He has served the Albuquerque section for years as the Public Policy officer and as Secretary. He is an engineer at Applied Research Associates working on numerical simulations and computational fluid dynamics.

Mark Fraser is a Senior Member of AIAA and is an astronomy instructor at CNM.  He has attended the past three Congressional Visits Day events in Washington DC to meet with members or staffers concerning issues in the aerospace community (like funding for basic research and education). He is our incumbent Public Policy officer.

Lori Hengeveld is a Member of AIAA.  She received a BS in Aerospace Engineering from Missouri University of Science & Technology (MS&T) (formerly University of Missouri-Rolla) in May, 2006, followed by an MS in Aerospace Engineering from the same school in December, 2007.  Lori was the Chairman of the MS&T AIAA Student Chapter for the 2005-2006 school year.  That same year, she was also the President of Tau Beta Pi (Engineering Honor Society) and Sigma Gamma Tau (Aerospace Engineering Honor Society).  In February 2008, Lori began working at Sandia National Labs in Space Systems Engineering.  She started as a member of the Structures Team for a satellite payload project.  She continued on the project, moving to a lead position for one of the major structures of the payload in August 2008.  In October 2010, she transitioned to her current role as the Mechanical Integration Lead for the final phases of the project.

Robert Malseed is an Associate Fellow of AIAA and has been in AIAA since Oct 1970. He has been Albuquerque section treasurer since 1991. Robert was in the US Air Force 1960-1986. Robert enlisted as an Air-Launched Missile Systems Technician. He received a degree in Aerospace Engineering from Auburn University in 1977. As an officer, he served as a High Energy Laser Weapon Systems Analyst and Air-Launched Weapon System Analyst. He is a retired Captain. After retirement from the USAF, he worked as a Senior Systems Analyst with Titan Corporation and with Innovative Research Corporation, 1986–1994. For most of 1997–2003 he was computer network administrator for Hoffmantown Church.

Don Nash is an AIAA Associate Fellow and a member of AIAA since Aug 1964. He graduated with a BS from the University of Oklahoma School of Aerospace Engineering in August 1964 and had been in the aerospace world for 48 years starting with two years in McDonnell Aircraft (McAir) F-101 and F-4 Design groups followed by US Army service. After his Army discharge and earning a BS in Aerospace Engineering Don returned to the McAir Flight Test Division. He was assigned as the Flight Test Engineer for the 1st F-4J Carrier Suitability tests and the 1st F-4D Radar Homing & Warning System. In 1969 McAir assigned Don to the F-15 Proposal Team were he wrote a major section for flight testing to include initial envelope expansion, stability and control, flying qualities, spin and structural dynamics testing. Don was a member of McAir’s negotiating team and when McAir won the F-15 contract he was assigned as Test Director for the 1st F-15, throughout its entire DT&E test program at St.Louis (1970 – 1972) and then Edwards AFB (1972 – 1975). In May 1972, Don received a MS in Engineering Management from the Unversity of Missouri @ Rolla. Following his airplane ventures, Don relocated to Albuquerque, New Mexico (NM) in 1977, joined BDM as a Staff Engineer and became Director / Vice President of the BDM Support contract for the Airborne Laser Lab (1977-1983) and the High Energy Laser Scientific Test Facility (HELSTF) @ the NM WSMR. He then was assigned as Vice President of Nuclear Effects for BDM and directed support at the AFRL EMP Sites (Trestle and Dipoles). In 1996, Don left BDM and formed his own aerospace consulting business supporting many local and national aerospace companies. Don served AIAA at the local section as Antelope Valley Newsletter Editor, Albuquerque Chairman, Corporate Liaison, and Membership; Region IV Deputy Director for Finance and Publications; National Membership Committee; National Technical Committee for Flight Testing; and Past Chairman of the International Membership Sub-Committee. Don received AIAA 2003 Sustained Service Award and (2) Special Service Citations (1997 and 1999). Don is also a long time member of the NM Professional Aerospace Contractors Association (PACA), serving as President, Executive Board member for several years and on the PACA Briefing for Industry (BFI) committee. Don served on a NM State University Aerospace Engineering Advisory Panel program to review their curriculum for a BS Aerospace Engineering program.  Don is our incumbent Chairman and Corporate Liaison officer.

Michael V. Nayak is a Member of AIAA and is a Satellite Flight Test Engineer with the Space Operations Branch at the Space Development and Test Directorate, working at the Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Support Center located at Kirtland Air Force Base. He is currently the Flight Director for Tactical Satellite 3 (TacSat-3), a military reconnaissance satellite built by the Air Force Research Laboratory, as well as the Satellite Operations Crew Commander for CloudSat, a pioneer NASA-sponsored Earth observation weather satellite. Mr. Nayak has worked at Kennedy Space Center as a member of the Ares I-X Development Flight Test team and a Solid Rocket Booster Engineer, as well as at Goddard Space Flight Center as part of the Flight Dynamics Analysis Branch. He is also a member of the Society of Flight Test Engineers and the American Astronautical Society, as well as a graduate alumnus of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.  His research interests include trajectory design, interplanetary mission planning and orbital debris.  Michael also enjoys being a skydiving and scuba diving instructor.

Elfego Pinon is a Senior Member of AIAA and is our incumbent Pre-College Outreach officer.

Dr. Svetlana Poroseva, a Senior Member of AIAA, is an Assistant Professor at the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of New Mexico. She serves on the AIAA Survivability and Non-Deterministic Approaches Technical Committees. Her Ph.D. is in Fluid and Plasma Mechanics from Novosibirsk State University in Russia. Dr. Poroseva specializes in theoretical and computational analysis of complex systems and stochastic processes. Her current research interests are i) modeling and simulation of turbulent flows with application to aerodynamics, rotorcraft aerodynamics, and wind energy; ii) survivability of networks with heterogeneous nodes, and iii) uncertainty analysis. Dr. Poroseva came to UNM from the Center for Advanced Power Systems at Florida State University where she was the lead of the Simulation group. Previously, she was also affiliated with the School of Computational Science at FSU, Aerospace Engineering Department at TAMU, Center for Turbulence Research at Stanford University, and the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences.  She is our incumbent Young Professionals officer.

Michael Ross is a Senior Member of AIAA. He is a PhD, PE in the Analytical Structural Dynamics Department at Sandia Labs.

He grew up in western Colorado and attended the Colorado School of Mines where he received a BS in Mechanical and Civil Engineering. After graduating from Mines he went on to OCS in Pensacola Florida and began his Naval Career.  After months of training, Michael was shipped to Yokosuka Japan, where he would spend the next four years in the Civil Engineering Corp of the Navy, the Sea Bees.  During this time, he also obtained his Professional Engineering License in Mechanical Engineer and realized his desire to go back to graduate school.  After finishing his service, he attended the University of Colorado’s Aerospace Engineering program where he obtained his Ph.D. His PhD topic was on computational dynamics with an emphasis on fluid-structure interaction. He began his postgraduate career working for the Joint Navigation Warfare Center through a contract with Overlook System Technologies. Originally he was going to work on computationally modeling Maxwell’s equations. However, given government cutbacks, he had the great experience of becoming a field/experimentalist engineer, though his true interest is with computational modeling and analysis.  This interest eventually brought him to Sandia National Labs in the Structural Dynamics Analysis department, where he has been for the last four years. His research includes structural dynamics, component mode synthesis, nonlinear identification and modeling, and fluid-structure interaction.  Michael greatly enjoys living in Albuquerque where he and his wife Jennifer can pursue their hobbies of rock climbing, mountaineering, mountain biking, hiking, camping, and being with friends and family.  He is our incumbent Vice Chairman and Newsletter Editor.

Stephen Seiffert is an Associate Fellow of AIAA and has served as Section Chairman and Vice Chairman, and corporate liaison. He is our incumbent Honors and Awards officer.  He is now retired.

Wayne White is an Associate Member of AIAA and is CEO of SpaceBooster LLC, an aerospace & defense engineering and science consulting company.  Mr. White is an attorney with a law degree from U.C. Davis and Masters Degree in Business Administration from U.C. Riverside.  He is a frequent speaker and author on space law and policy topics.

 Officer Position Descriptions from By-Laws:


ARTICLE V - Executive Committee


1.     The Executive Committee shall consist of the Section officers.  The Section officers shall be a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Young Professionals Chairman, Membership Chairman, Public Policy Chairman, Newsletter Editor, Corporate Liaison Committee Chairman, Region IV Representative, Honors and Awards Chairman, Education Chairman, Pre-College Outreach Chairman, Career Enhancement Chairman, and Programs Chairman.  The Section officers shall be Section members who have been duly elected or appointed in accordance with Article VIII - Election and Vacancies of these Bylaws.  The Section officers shall be installed in office at a regularly scheduled Section meeting and continue until their successors are installed.


2.     The Chairman shall be the chief executive officer of the Section and an ex-officio member of all committees; however, he shall not be a member of the Nominating Committee.  With the advice and approval of the Executive Committee, he shall identify all committees necessary for the proper functioning of the Section and shall appoint chairmen for each, except he shall not appoint the Chairman of the Nominating Committee.  He shall preside at all business meetings of the Section and the Executive Committee.  By one month following the end of the section fiscal year he shall submit a formal annual report of the progress and financial status of the Section for the previous fiscal year to the Director of Region IV of the AIAA.  At the first general meeting of the year, he shall make a similar, informal report to the membership.  The Chairman shall appoint a member of the Executive Committee, the Vice Chairman if available, to perform his duties during any temporary absence.


3.     The Vice-Chairman shall perform duties of the Chairman in his absence.  The Chairman may delegate to the Vice-Chairman appropriate responsibilities and authorities to provide the opportunity for the Vice-Chairman to become familiar with the problems and programs of the Section.  He shall be a voting member of the Executive Committee and an ex-officio member of all committees.


4.     The Secretary shall be the custodian of all Section records not specifically assigned by the Chairman to others.  He shall conduct the correspondence of the Section and the Executive Committee, including all meeting notices.  He shall keep a Section roster as supplied by National Headquarters on at least an annual basis.  He shall record and maintain the records of all business meetings of the Section and the Executive Committee, and shall forward copies of the minutes to the members of the Executive Committee.  He shall direct those committees placed under him by the Chairman and perform such other duties as directed by the Executive Committee.


5.     The Treasurer shall be responsible for all Section funds including their receipt, retention, disbursement, and accounting.  He shall act in accordance with sound business practices and within the provisions of ARTICLE X - Financial Responsibilities of these Bylaws.  He shall make all financial reports required and expenditures authorized by the Executive Committee or the Bylaws of the AIAA.  He shall direct those committees placed under him by the Chairman, and approve expenditures out of his budget and perform such other duties as directed by the Executive Committee.


6.     The Newsletter Editor shall be responsible for the Section publication activities including, but not limited to, the periodic preparation and distribution of the Section newsletter and any other print media required to support Section activities.  He shall direct those committees placed under him by the Chairman and perform such other duties as directed by the Executive Committee.


7.     The Young Professionals Chairman shall be responsible for the planning, budgeting, conduct and prompt reporting of all Section activities which promote professional development of AIAA members of age 35 and below.  He shall assist the Education Chairman and Student Branch Advisor(s) in carrying out the Section responsibility for student branches assigned to it by National Headquarters of AIAA, including providing such branches with aid and guidance.  He shall direct those committees placed under him by the Chairman and perform such other duties as directed by the Executive Committee.


8.     The Membership Chairman shall be responsible for the planning, budgeting, conduct and prompt reporting of all Section activities which enlarge and advance its membership, and for assessing their desires and responsiveness concerning Section affairs.  He shall direct those committees placed under him by the Chairman and perform such other duties as directed by the Executive Committee.


9.     The Honors and Awards Chairman shall be responsible for administering both local and national awards of AIAA.  He shall direct those committees placed under him by the Chairman and perform such other duties as directed by the Executive Committee.


10.  The Public Policy Chairman shall be responsible for the planning, budgeting, conduct and prompt reporting of all Section activities which increase public awareness of aerospace contributions to society, contribute expertise towards solutions of community technological problems, and promote community interest in AIAA.  He shall direct those committees placed under him by the Chairman and perform such other duties as directed by the Executive Committee.


11.  The Corporate Liaison Committee Chairman shall be responsible for the planning, budgeting, conduct and prompt reporting of the activities of the Corporate Liaison Committee (ARTICLE VII).  He shall encourage participation of members throughout the Albuquerque Section through the use of this committee.


12.  The Region IV Representative to the Regional Advisory Council shall be responsible for reporting all regional activities to the Section and report to the region all Section activities and events of possible interest to regional and national headquarters.  He shall attend all Region IV meetings or see that a suitable replacement is identified.


13.  The Education Chairman shall be responsible for the planning, budgeting, conduct and prompt reporting of all Section activities which promote professional development and foster education in engineering and science, both among Section members and within the community.  In particular, he shall assist the Student Branch Advisor(s) in carrying out the Section responsibility for student branches assigned to it by the national Headquarters of AIAA, including providing such branches with aid and guidance.  He shall direct those committees placed under him by the Chairman and perform such other duties as directed by the Executive Committee.


14.  The Programs Chairman shall be responsible for the planning, budgeting, conduct and prompt reporting of all meetings and events, including, but not limited to locally held national AIAA functions, Section field trips, and meetings for social and other non-technical purposes.  He shall direct those committees placed under him by the Chairman and perform such other duties as directed by the Executive Committee.


15.  The Career Enhancement Chairman shall be responsible for all matters concerning career relations and development of members, including such matters as pensions, certifications, ethics, manpower, employment, conditions of employment, and benefits.  He shall direct those committees placed under him by the Chairman and perform such other duties as directed by the Executive Committee.


16.  The Pre-College Outreach Chairman shall be responsible for the planning, budgeting, conduct and prompt reporting of all Section activities which promote interest in aeronautics and astronautics among pre-college students.  He shall direct those committees placed under him by the Chairman and perform such other duties as directed by the Executive Committee.